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Pilipchuk Mariia
Mariia Pilipchuk (067) 950 81 81


Tender Documents. Legal Analysis and Preparation

The issue of public purchasing (tenders) becomes as relevant as ever. The phenomenon of public tenders in Ukraine requires a comprehensive legal service. Any inaccuracy in tender documents or in the tendering process can have negative consequences. Moreover, these consequences may affect both the customers and the tenderers. It is therefore particularly important to carry out the legal support for the preparation and analysis of tender documentation. These are the services that our experienced lawyers are ready to provide to make the procedures understandable and easier. You can greatly stimulate your business and provide it with new possibilities and development prospects by using our professional services on tender issues.

Our team of qualified lawyers who deal with tenders will ensure that the customers get the desired result. With our help you will be able to take part in the most favourable ordering processes, to receive an offer letter, and to sign a promising contract.

The lawyers of our firm in Kiev will help you to avoid the risks and increase the chances of your company to win the invitation to tender.

Experience has proven that the legislative regulation of tender procedure is not always complied with. Quite often unscrupulous customers take advantage of the situation and invite you to cooperation. With our company, you will always be able to appeal the purchasing process in any part of Ukraine. Our lawyers will help to understand even the most complicated problematic situations and successfully solve the problem for our client.

The specialists of our law office Nakaz will carry out the preparation of tender documentation by order of a third party completely and perfectly. We will prepare the necessary tender documentation in a short time and meet all the deadlines.

Services for Analysis and Preparation of Tender Documents

What we offer is a legal service package that will help you to participate in the tender at any stage of government procurement. Our team works with standard bidding documents for procurement and provides legal advice at all stages of tendering.

Here are the main points of our business paradigm:

  • We provide constant monitoring of tenders for public procurement, promoting the interests of our client.
  • Our lawyers send the request for complete tender documentation for further analysis and provide document processing.
  • We provide obtaining the necessary documentation for preparation of the tender proposal.
  • Our team guarantees the customer’s participation in public purchasing. We as well register the clients participating in tenders all over Ukraine.
  • We ensure the participation in the disclosure of tender offers.
  • We provide the preparation of appeals and represent our client’s interests at the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.
  • We conclude contracts of purchase and provide legal advice on contract construction while participating in tenders.
  • Our law firm provides qualified comprehensive legal advice in the preparation of documents for participation in tenders. We do our best for your winning a tender both in Kiev and all over Ukraine.

Tender Guarantee

The tender guarantee is one of the forms of collaterals of tenders. Tender guarantee or bid bond is traditional collateral of government purchasing in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Ukrainian legislation that regulate government procurement.

It must be mentioned that standard non-recurring bank commission for issuing a bank guarantee depends on the cover amount.

Our legal service corporation provides a number of advantages.

We will help you to receive a guarantee without bond so you will keep your money in circulation.

You do not have to open an account, which means obtaining a guarantee without additional red tape.

We can provide registration in 1 day and that means you will have time to prepare for an important tender.

Our firm provides all kinds of guarantees. It means you can get tender guarantees and contract security at the same bank.

Moreover, we provide free delivery in all regions of Ukraine.